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Substance Detoxification and Recovery

Embarking on Your Journey to Self-Empowerment

Taking the first step on your path to recovery is paramount, and it’s vital to cultivate a positive mindset for this journey. Therefore, at 360 Integrated Recovery, one of your initial stages will involve detoxification and stabilization. Our skilled medical and clinical team guides this process, enabling you to reach an improved physical and mental state, well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Our gentle detoxification program aims to alleviate your dependence on harmful substances using the most comforting and least intrusive methods. Detoxification might seem intimidating to those seeking liberation from substance use disorders, but under the supportive care of professionals at 360 Integrated Recovery, it’s a manageable challenge. We believe it won’t be long until you feel increasingly confident to pursue goals that recently seemed unattainable. If you require drug detox in Los Angeles, CA, we’re here to provide the help you need.

Why is Detoxification Essential for Addiction Treatment?

Treatment for substance abuse typically commences with a detoxification process. It enables your body to purge traces of alcohol or drugs, thereby reducing cravings. The detox phase generally lasts several days, with the duration varying depending on the severity of the addiction, the type of substance, dosage, and the length of drug abuse.

This process helps your body adjust to the absence of the addictive substance. It’s crucial to understand that with each usage, your body becomes increasingly acclimated to the substance, altering even your brain’s chemistry, leading to substance use disorders.

Many drugs affect your brain’s neurotransmitters, causing distorted signals that impact the pleasure centers in your brain. Your brain then starts to function more ‘normally’ with the presence of these substances than without them.

When you deprive your body of drugs or alcohol, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild to severe, and they can include:

  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression

Drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable; therefore, undergoing medical detox is essential for a chance at long-term recovery.

Benefits of Medical Detox

Attempting self-detox while battling drug addiction or alcoholism can not only lead to relapse but also pose physical risks. Our drug and alcohol rehab center in Los Angeles, CA, offers medical detox to assist you.

Detoxing from certain substances can be more complex than others, but with medication-assisted treatment, you’ll have the necessary medical supervision to ensure safety throughout the entire process. We conduct comprehensive physical and mental health examinations before initiating the detox process.

We provide medications that can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. If a medical emergency arises during the withdrawal process, you’ll have immediate assistance.

You’ll also receive screening for common health conditions that might have developed due to your drug or alcohol addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, these can include:

  • Nerve damage
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Pancreas disease
  • Digestive tract bleeding
  • Lung disease
  • Hepatitis B and C

Undergoing medical detox at our center in Los Angeles, CA also allows you to initiate the recovery process in a secure, stress-free environment. Medical supervision is always on standby to intervene if necessary. Our experts can adjust medications as required, recognizing the individuality of each patient.

You’ll also have access to a sober environment. At our Los Angeles rehabilitation center, you’ll encounter fewer potential triggers than you would when attempting to detox at home. Medical detox centers in Los Angeles help you uncover the issues that might have led you to drug or alcohol addiction.

One of the most significant challenges in recovering from substance abuse is asking for help. By commencing your recovery journey with professional support from detox centers in Los Angeles, you can prepare yourself to manage all stages of the process.

What to Expect from Medication-Assisted Substance Abuse Detox

The detox process for drug and alcohol addiction varies based on an individual’s unique circumstances and history of substance abuse. However, there are certain factors that you can anticipate during a medical detox. The withdrawal symptoms you may experience will significantly depend on several elements. These include:

  • History of substance use
  • Previous instances of withdrawal
  • Age
  • Physical health
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Co-occurring physical conditions

Detoxing from specific types of substance abuse can be more complex than others. Detoxing from alcohol addiction can be hazardous without medical supervision due to the risk of delirium tremens, including seizures, fever, severe confusion, and even coma.

Benzodiazepines and other sleep medications can cause severe withdrawal symptoms, including life-threatening seizures.

Opioids tend not to have immediately dangerous withdrawal symptoms, but severe dehydration can be a concern.

By turning to substance abuse treatment centers like ours, you can receive safe addiction treatment services that commence with a manageable detoxing process.


Inpatient Rehab

At our Los Angeles, California facility, we offer residential rehab. This mode of treatment provides the support and structure you need to recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

We provide behavioral therapy sessions, both in support groups and individual therapy, with an emphasis on humanistic therapy. This type of therapy promotes self-acceptance and self-love.

With medication helping to curb the worst of the cravings, you can fully engage in residential treatment. You’ll be able to concentrate on your treatment program without the constant physical symptoms of withdrawal and incessant cravings hindering your progress.

Residential treatment involves 24/7 monitoring, which is the most suitable option for individuals at risk of relapse. It can also be the right choice for those who have just completed medical detox.

Co-existing mental health conditions and physical issues will determine whether residential care is the most suitable option. They will also influence the duration of the residential treatment.

A Plan Tailored Just for You

Before you commence detoxification, our medical and psychiatric team will examine you and assess your unique circumstances. This will enable us to create a personalized rehab program for you—one designed to give you the best chance for a swift, problem-free recovery.

The professional team at our detox center in Los Angeles is certified in medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which allows us to prescribe specific FDA-approved medications, along with our recommended therapies and counseling, for your treatment. We continually strive to find the optimal recovery formula that will help restore your normal metabolic function while minimizing any mental or physical discomfort.

Reassuring Skill and Support

During times like these, it’s crucial to provide you with space to minimize stress. Yet, you can always feel secure, knowing that our compassionate nurses, doctors, and other Los Angeles detox staff are ready to assist whenever you require external support. We welcome the opportunity to make your drug or alcohol detox in Los Angeles incredibly stable and hassle-free.

What Will the Detox Process Involve?

When you turn to our addiction treatment detox programs, you can expect the following:

  • Customized plan for your situation
  • Oversight from qualified addiction professionals
  • Skilled medical staff, always available
  • Balanced nutrition to promote optimum general health
  • A beautiful, serene setting to foster a sense of tranquility

Our location in the Los Angeles area offers the peace and solitude you need to concentrate on healing from drug or alcohol abuse.

Equipping Yourself with the Tools to Better Health

Although detox is not a solution in itself, it is a powerful aspect of recovery. And you may be surprised how relatively comfortable it can be when properly supervised. At 360 Integrated Recovery, we regard it as your first crucial step towards sobriety, a stepping-stone towards reaching new milestones in your restorative journey.

A successful detox will equip you to handle the next exhilarating stages of your recovery. Yes, it varies for every individual, but with our specialized team of therapists and clinicians by your side, you can anticipate the experience to be safe and relatively smooth.

Please feel free to ask any questions from our Los Angeles detox staff when preparing for detox and stabilization. Our aim is to ensure you feel confident and comfortable at all times, so you can wholeheartedly embrace your brave decision to regain your health.

When in search of a detox center, Los Angeles, CA, offers the best. Our team at 360 Integrated Recovery is here to guide you back to sobriety and a healthier life. Call us today to embark on your journey to recovery.



Sober Clients

360 Integrated Recovery has successfully treated more than 50 clients, who now experience an enhanced quality of life, increased happiness, and lasting sobriety, affirming the transformative power of recovery.




360 Integrated Recovery has conducted over 30 groundbreaking research projects, providing significant advancements in addiction treatment methodologies, thus strengthening the effectiveness and understanding of substance abuse recovery processes.



360 Integrated Recovery has been recognized in LA County with three prestigious awards: the Excellence in Treatment Methods Award, the Innovative Substance Abuse Programs Award, and the Best Patient Support Services Award.



360 Integrated Recovery fosters accessibility by partnering with over 20 insurance companies, ensuring a wider range of individuals can receive their award-winning, comprehensive substance abuse treatment services.

Our Address


Experience transformative recovery at 360 Integrated Recovery, located at 3654 Wrightwood Dr, North Hollywood, CA 91604, USA. Discover a supportive environment dedicated to your health, healing, and personal growth. Visit today.

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+39 06 12345678


+39 06 12345678


3654 Wrightwood Dr, North Hollywood, CA 91604, USA.